
Effectiveness of tiny pills in Recurrent Allergic Rhinitis

WriteUps By Dr. Parthkumar Vinodray Dave

A 25 year old male patient came with a complaint of constant sneezing, since 4-5 days. Sneezing frequently associated with profuse nasal discharge which < at night. The complaint occur mostly at every change of weather.

After that he had described that he is having this complaint recurrently since last 6-7 years. At every change of weather he is suffering from same complaint. Apart from this he is having tickling sensation in thorat with slight coughing. Nasal blockage especially at left side. Complaint of tickling in thorat is relieved by taking warm food.

Apart from this he is having complaint of hyper acidity and gaseous distension after eating anything spicy in little amount too. He has great desire for refreshing cold drinks.

Patient is quite chilly. Naturewise he is very sympathetic in nature. He can't see the sufferings of others. Wants company every time, does not want to be alone. Mingles easily with everyone.

Preion :-  On the symptoms similarity I have given PHOSPHORUS - 200 SINGLE DOSE STAT ORALLY, with SL for 4×3×15 days orally.

When he came after 15 days it is his own words that “ Sir, I'm feeling 50% better than before” , I have never experienced such an ease in my previous treatments.

This kind of rapid results Homoeopathy can give if the medicine is selected correctly, accurately and by following our cardinal principles.


Case presented by :-

Dr. Parthkumar Vinodray Dave

PG scholar ( Department of case taking & Repertory)

Rajkot Homoeopathic Medical College

Parul University

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