Yoga By Pulluri Srinivas
2) असन्दिग्धम् asandigdham: Doubtless; not giving rise to doubt; without any doubt i.e unambiguous
3) सारवत् sāravat: meaningful, i.e should not contain gibberish; Free from unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense
4) विश्वतो-मुखम् viśvato-mukham: Properly applicable; presenting essence of many thoughts
5) अस्तोभम् astobham: coherent ( logical and consistent); devoid of 'stobha' (kind of fillers in Vedic chanting) like hA hU
6) अनवद्यम् anavadyam: irrefutable (na avadyam - that which cannot be refuted); blemish less