Scrofoloso 3

Medicine By Sourav kumar

In S3 Lycopodim calvatum is substituted by Rheum Palmatum , while other composition in terms of plant is same but in terms of parts it is entirely different. It acts on complete lymphatic system that is all the organs come under lymphatic system are treated by S3, it is a specific remedy for skin( Hyper sensitivity, allergic and hyper idosis ) It is used only for internal purpose. It also acts upon sensory spinal nerve and to cure constipation and diarrhea . 


Anti eczematous , anti hyper idosis , anti itch, anodyne , anto phlogistic , anti constipation, stimulant and relaxant and sexual tonic . It is used in curing male genital areas problems like impotency, pre mature ejaculation, dysurea . testicular congestion 

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