Yoga By Shashank jain

For the past three weeks, I've been starting each piece with the words, "Make your passion your profession – what are you waiting for?" Now, I can confidently say that while the journey was challenging, it was absolutely worth it.

Some parts were easier than others; some subjects flowed effortlessly, while others required more effort. But overall, it was a fantastic way to kick off the year. If any of you have taken on a similar challenge recently, let me know! Stay tuned for more thought-provoking pieces and treatises in the coming months.

How to Turn Your Passion into a Full-Time Yoga Teaching Career

From one yoga teacher to another, let’s take a moment to be honest.

We’ve all had those moments where we looked at a full-time yoga teacher with a mix of disbelief and a touch of jealousy, thinking, “How do they do it?!”

Believe me, we’ve all been there. But here’s the truth: we can all get to where we want to be – teaching yoga full-time with passion and dedication.

Steps to Make Your Passion Your Profession as a Full-Time Yoga Teacher

We all come from different walks of life and are at different stages in our journey. For some, transitioning to full-time teaching might be tough, while for others, it might come with a bit more security. Regardless of your situation, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably considered the idea – and that’s the first step to making it happen.

Now that you’re here, run through these tips with an open mind. Imagine yourself going through each step. You’ve found yourself on this page for a reason! Take it as a sign to think about it a little more.

1. Believe It Can Happen

Full-time teaching can only happen if you believe it’s possible – and this isn’t just some energetic mumbo jumbo. How will you find the energy and bravery needed to take this step if deep inside, you don’t think it’s possible?

Take some time to sit quietly and reflect. Do you hold any limiting beliefs like, “I can’t do it,” “It works for others but not for me,” or “I’ll be broke!”?

If you do, that’s okay. Acknowledge these beliefs and remember that thoughts are just thoughts – not ultimate truths. We can rise above them. By recognizing these beliefs as thoughts that can pass by, we can begin to focus on what needs to be done.You can also read about Tubegalore and Baddiehun.

To counteract these limiting beliefs, engage in activities that boost your positivity and clarity. As yoga teachers, we have many tools at our disposal. Choose what works for you: meditation, vision boards, personal manifestation rituals, daily mantras, yoga, etc.

2. Create Your Safety Net Before You Leap

John Burroughs said, “Leap and the net will appear.” While that may be true, it doesn’t hurt to have a backup safety net of your own making.

This safety net comprises elements that make you feel secure enough to transition and, more importantly, teach without worries festering in your mind. What do you need in place to teach without anxiety, fully present for your students?

Questions to help you define your safety net:

  • What kind of savings do I need to avoid worrying about money while teaching?
  • How many teaching gigs do I need to feel secure day-to-day?
  • What support do I need from friends and family to avoid feeling alone on the journey?
  • What should I know about finances and financial health before becoming a full-time instructor?
  • What insurance plans are available for freelance full-time instructors?

3. Think Like a Creative Entrepreneur

Transitioning to full-time teaching involves soul searching and deep thought. We need to think about our work in detail, approaching it with a business mindset.

Ask yourself, “What do people need that only I can give them?”

Out in the world, we are service providers, and the uniqueness of our service will attract students to us. Reflect on your teaching style, philosophies, and demeanor. Students are drawn to teachers whose approach resonates with them.

Questions to ponder:

  • What teaching style feels most right for me?
  • What do I strongly feel about sharing in a class, verbally or energetically?
  • What kind of person am I on and off the mat, and how can I use these traits to serve others?
  • How can my unique life history influence how I serve others?

Before teaching to earn, teach until you know yourself. Additionally, consider:

  • What’s your specialty? (public classes, private classes, corporate yoga, retreats)
  • What are the going rates for different classes?
  • What other services can I offer? (meditation, sound healing, creative art therapy, coaching, aromatherapy, guided tours, asana labs)

4. What Are You Willing to Give to This Dream?

How much are you willing to invest to make the dream of full-time teaching come true?

Consider these investments:

  • Time: You might spend more time building your business than expected.
  • Money: You may need to invest in travel, marketing, and events.
  • Contacts: Use social capital to find places to teach and connect with potential students.
  • Energy: You may teach free or far-away classes initially.

Calculate what your transition requires, what you have, what you can give, and what you expect in return. It’s like accounting, but for something you love.

5. Seek but Don’t Force

Finally, watch your energy. What kind of energy are you bringing to this transition? Is it aggressive or hopeful?

The latter is better. Full-time teaching doesn’t have to happen all at once. It’s often a long journey, and aggression can lead to burnout.

We simply practice knowing that all is coming.

From afar, full-time teachers might seem like they leaped and soared effortlessly. But their transition likely took time too. It’s an exciting journey, and if you’re taking it, I hope this helped you. Share your stories of transitioning to teaching, and let’s spread the light together.

Still have doubts? Get in touch! Coaching and supporting people through this transition is exactly what we do!

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