Renal calculi and Homoeopathy

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     45 yr old male pt. came with the complaint of painful urination since 7 - 8 days.pain in the left inguinal area aggravated by motion. 

       He is having complaint of burning pain in bladder on urination. Urine passes incompletely n unsatisfactory. Pain is radiating to groin region. 

       In the investigation USG abdomen shows 3mm sized stone in lower calyx of left kidney. 

        Nothing specific in physical Generals ,except  desire for sweet  n disturbed sleep due to pain. Mentally he gets angry easily when contradicted.

         On the basis of above symptoms I have prescribed BERBERIS VULGARIS  200 single dose state orally along with BERBERIS VULGARIS  Q 10 drops bd in half glass of water.

         After 10 days pt. Feels better in his pain, urine is less painful  . So that same dose was repeated. After 20 days pt is having  no complaint. So that advised  for USG. USG  shows no evidence  of calculi  present.

Case presented by:-

Dr Dhara kothari 

PG scholar (Department of case taking &Repertory)

Rajkot  Homeopathic  Medical college 

Parul University 

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