Needed behavioral Change for Optimum Health and Wellbeing

WriteUps By Director NIN

Needed behavioral Change for Optimum Health and Wellbeing


Preventive Medicine and Promotive Health 

Food, Physical activity and Sleep are most important factors which can either make or break health. In 2017, India witnessed 61.8 per cent deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Most of the NCDs are human behavior-driven and can be prevented at individual, family and societal levels.  

 “Instead of using the body as a temple of God we use it as a vehicle for indulgences, and are not ashamed to run to medical men for help in our effort to increase them and abuse the earthly tabernacle.”

Young India, August 8, 1929

Mahatma Gandhi

The above statement holds good today and very well summarizes the occurrence of lifestyle related NCDs. Neglect of preventive practices, indulgence in excesses and then seeking medical assistance to cure diseases will not only affect Quality of life but also has a social pressure and constant economic drain which are the hidden issues of spectrum of diseases and can easily be avoided by making these below changes. In this article we will discuss about three key factors which can help prevent lifestyle diseases with simple behavioural modifications like food, physical activity and sleep.

Food for Health and Wellbeing

  • Having two meals a day will help in optimizing health and will help in boosting energy levels and a feeling of lightness in the body and improve mind body connection.
  • Being well-hydrated will not only regulate body temperature but also helps prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly.
  • Having enough fiber or roughage in the diet will help in improving gut health, regulates blood sugar levels, can help maintain body’s fat-burning capacity and avoid insulin spikes that leaves one feeling drained and crave for unhealthy foods. 
  • Replace refined foods with whole foods. Refining foods will remove nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals and the food becomes dead, loaded with only calories.
  • Restriction of sugar to 10% of total energy and salt to 2gms per day will help in preventing Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus and Cardiovascular Diseases. 
  • Having local and seasonal foods is not only sustainable to environment it will also enhance freshness of food, preserve nutrients and tastes better as the flavor of the food is at its peak.

Physical Activity 

  • Regular movement or being physically active will help in preventing early degenerative disorders by keeping the joints and muscles more active and flexible. 
  • Studies suggest that with high arousal of emotions like anger and joy, walking speeds up, and with sadness, walking slows down. This can be used therapeutically to alter emotions by changing the movements.
  • Physical activity also improves mental health by decreasing symptoms of depression, anxiety, pain and loneliness.
  • Slow and synchronous stretching along with breathing enhances respiration and circulation. It will bring more oxygen to brain, heart and the body. 
  • Habitual movement during work and leisure can keep one active. Training the muscles the way they do in everyday tasks will prepare body to perform well in day to day life.

Sleep and Health

  • To induce good sleep first and foremost thing to be ensured is darkness. Insufficient darkness will lead to frequent and prolonged awakening. Light exposure of either a mobile or ay electronic gadgets at the wrong time alters body clock.
  • Our endocrine system is directly linked to sleep. The secretion and inhibition of hormones are linked to sleep, thereby sleep disturbances will lead to endocrinal dysfunction.
  • Most of the people with metabolic disorders experience sleep apnea. Therefore to maintain endocrinal function sound and quality sleep is important.
  • By practicing mindfulness and meditation before sleep one can ensure relaxed state of mind which will allow one to sleep sound.
  • Maintain sleep timings and limiting the difference in the sleep schedule will help reinforce body’s sleep-wake cycle. Incase if you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, practices like meditation, soothing music will help to regulate the cycle.
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