How To Study On Open Board and Pass?

WriteUps By Bhaskar Singh

There are two main open boards in Bihar that offer education through open and distance learning (ODL) mode:

Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination (BBOSE)

  • Bihar Institute of Open Schooling (BIOS): This is a private open board that offers courses from Class 8 to Class 12.

Here's a general overview of the process of learning through an open board in Bihar:

1. Choose an open board: Consider your educational goals and choose the board that offers the courses you need.

2. Register for admission: You can register for admission online or through the nearest study center.

3. Choose your courses: Select the courses you want to study from the available options.

4. Obtain study materials: The open board will provide you with study materials, which may include textbooks, self-learning modules, and online resources.

5. Appear for the exams: You will need to appear for the exams conducted by the open board at designated centers.

6. Get your certificate: Upon successful completion of the courses and exams, you will be awarded a certificate by the open board.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

I hope this helps!

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