Fever & Homoeopathy

WriteUps By Krutgna

Female aged 45 years had complaint of fever since 2 days, weakness, vertigo and abdominal pain. 
All the complaints developed suddenly and were with much intensity. She had throbbing headache which was aggravated by motion, noise and was better by rest and sleep.She was not able to do any of her work.
Appetite: Normal, unchanged
Thirst: Decreased slightly
Activity: Decreased
Thermals: Ambithermal, unchanged
She was advised for various reports like CBC, CRP but all where normal.
Temp: 101.2 
B.P: 124/76 mmhg
R.R: 16/min
Pulse: 110/ min
Dx: Pyrexia of unknown origin
On examination her head was very hot and so considering that Belladonna 30 was choosen on basis of fever without toxemia.
Medicine Given: Belladonna 30 B.D 
S.L 4×3×3 days
Selection of potency: on basis of susceptibility.
Follow up: On same day after 7-8 hours fever started decreasing and on day she was much better and could do her routine. 
Was given S.L for 4 more days.

Case presented by
Dr. Krutgna Ravani
Pg Scholar of Department of Organon Of Medicine
Rajkot Homoeopathic Medical College
Parul University

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