
Efficacy of phosphorus in case of chronic bronchitis

WriteUps By Dr Priyanka Nasit

A male patient of age 69 years came with the complain of coughing with expectation on and off since many years.

Expectoraion is sticky and white in colour

Cough<in morning

Expectoration 8-10 times per day. 

Weakness in morning on waking. 

Past history: aphthae

Physical general: 

Thirst: profuse, 3-4 l/day.

Appetite: no change

Sweat: on much exertion

Thermally: chilly.

Sleep: sound.

Mental general: Jolly type of person.

Travelling desires.

Mixes easily with others.

Does not want to be dependent on others.

Diagnosis: chronic bronchitis.

Preion: phosphorus 200 1 dose stat 

Follow up: after 10 days 

Expectoration frequency decreased by 40%

Better in weakness, feels more energetic than before.

No coughing on exposure to fumes also.

Generals better.

Preion: sac lac bd for 15 days.

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