Concept of Vyadhikshamatva and it’s potential role as per Ayurveda

WriteUps By Sayantan Ghosh

Presentation By : Sayantan Ghosh, 2nd prof. BSRGMAC&H, Kolkata, WB


A healthy, long and peaceful life, devoid of any disease, is the main aim of Ayurveda. The main purpose and objective of Ayurveda is the preservation of health in healthy individual and eradication of diseases which are curable. For the prevention of diseases, Ayurveda has advocated the adherence to concepts like dina charya (daily regimen), ritu charya (seasonal regimen), sadvritta (code of conduct), navega dharan (non supressible urges) etc. These measures are useful in preventing the lifestyle related diseases. For the prevention of Aupsargik rogas (communicable diseases), Janapada dhwansa rogas (epidemic diseases), Krumij Roga (Infectious diseases), Asatmyaj roga (allergic disorders), the concept of Vyadhikshamtva (Immunity) has been propagated by Ayurveda. According to this concept, the body’s resistance power is of tremendous importance in the daily welfare of living beings, not only for the prevention of disease, but also for rapid recovery after disease affliction. Ayurveda propounds that prevention is an equally important aspect of disease management as cure and thus, strengthening the immune system, is a natural way to help the body fight against the disease-causing pathogens. Ayurveda promotes the use of Rasayana to enhance ojas and vyadhikshamatva (immunity). Due to advancement in science and technology and improper lifestyle of human beings, the threat of communicable disease is increasing day by day. Vyadhikshamatva in Ayurveda is not merely immunity against a specific infectious agent or disease such as typhoid, measles, rubella etc. Rather, it implies resistance against the loss of the integrity, proportion and interrelationship amongst the individual's doshas (bio energies) and dhatus (tissues). Resistance to disease or immunity against disease is of two kinds i.e. the one which attenuate the manifested diseases and the other which prevents the manifestation of diseases.

Vyadhikshamatva - the resistance to diseases or immunity against diseases is of two kinds i.e., the one which attenuate the manifested disease and other which prevents the manifestation of diseases. It is observed that good immunity in an individual will be due to the effect of active and healthy functioning of the digestive system. Ayu, Bala, Varna, Swasthya, Utsaha, Upchaya, Prabha, Oja depends on the Jatharagni of the Sharira. Appropriate food of Dhatus will depend on wholesome and un-wholesome nourishment. The last and fabulous essence of Dhatus starting with Rasa to Shukra is Ojas. Quality diet, required quantity and balanced food, is the base for the proper digestion and in turn for the development of a strong immune system. Exercises improves metabolic health which in turn provides a good immune system. Even sleep affects the immune system. Good sleep provides strong immune responses; it results in the formation of antibodies which along with white blood cells - cellular immune system of body and fight against the disease. Psychological well being also can increase living comfort. Rasayana provides a defense mechanism against diseases (Vyadhi) in the body. Proper understanding and application of these concepts in clinical practice can be a preventive strategy for a number of diseases.


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