Case of migraine treated with homoeopathic medicine

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Case presentation:-
Dr. Vishakha Barad
PG scholar , Department of Case taking and Repertory
Rajkot Homoeopathic Medical College
Parul University.

Case study:- 
Mr. MF,35/m,Illiterate
C/o Right side headache since 3 months
Pulsating pain
Agg. Sunrise to sunset, draft of air
Amel. Pressure
Physical generals:-
Thirst:- increased
Thermal status:- chilly ++
Dreams :- robbery, ghost, dead people
Startling during sleep
Sleep:- disturbed due to pain
Bowel:- regular

Mental status:-
Timid Constitution
More attached with mother, lives in joint family 
Affect by father's word(scolding) weeping disposition.Anxiety about his health
Considering physical particulars, physical generals and mental generals he was prescribed Pulsatilla 1 M  1 dose stat orally. 
Follow up:-
SAL LAC 30 at every 15 days follow up 
Gradually decrease in headache with good appetite and sound sleep.
Total cure takes place in 2 months.

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