Case of migraine treated with homeopathy

WriteUps By Namera Bansari Dhanjibhai

Case of migraine treated with homeopathy

A 18 year old girl came with complain of recurrent headache since 2 years
She is studying BHMS (2 nd year)in banglore

Present complaint
Headache occurs since 2 years from when she get admission into BHMS
As further history taken , she told that its against her will & she want to get admission in forensic science , but as her father denied, she can't fulfill her wish
He added that headache aggravated during menses

Past history
Recurrent stomatitis in childhood
Stye at the age of 10 years

Physical generals
Appetite- 2 chapaties/meal
Sleep- 7 hr ,sound
Thermal- chilly

Weeps when anger can't expressed
A/F- domination++

Totality of symptoms
A/F- domination++
Emotion -suppressed++
Headache aggravated -menses during+++

On the basis of totality of symptoms
SEPIA 1m Single dose was given

After 1 month
Reduces intensity and episodes of headache
SEPIA 1M single dose given

After another 1 month 
Much relived in complaint



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