WriteUps By Dr Nirav Ganatra
A 61-years-old Male, approached with his reports and complaints of generalized weakness, muscular cramps and twitching in calf muscles and minor coughing remaining after getting recovered from COVID-19. Clinically the patient was found very much stable but his reports showed variation in his haemodynamic state.
In his reports the value of D-DIMER was highly raised even after getting recovered from COVID-19.
All the milestones were achieved normally
APPEARANCE:- Lean, thin person TASTE:- not specific
THIRST:- Increased, feels unsatisfied even if drinks a large amount of water STOOL:- NAD
URINE:- 3-4/0-1 : D/N
SWEAT:- Profuse
SLEEP:- sound
THERMAL REACTIONS:- ( HOT CONSTITUTION : can’t tolerate slight warmth )
As per the deion given by patient and data obtained on
questioning about his past history, family history and other
examination, nothing specific was found except :-
So, On the basis of discussion and referring to various homoeopathic material medica,
In Indian scenario, CCRH had so far undertaken clinical trials in Dengue and Acute Encephalitis syndrome/JE with Homoeopathy as an add-on to usual care in tertian care setups. In Dengue Hemorrhagic fever, add on Homoeopathy could bring early improvement in platelet count and decrease in hospital stay by 2 days. Similarly, in Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/Japanese Encephalitis homeopathy as an adjuvant to the Institutional Management protocol could decrease death rate by 15% in comparison to those who received only Institutional Management protocol.
In both the studies, adverse effect was not observed. Keeping in view the clinical success in above mentioned severe viral diseases, Homoeopathy as an adjuvant to the usual care may be tried in COVID-19 patients. Thus, homeopathy can play significant therapeutic roles.
Covid-19 presenting as Acute viral pneumonia causes thrombotic complications leading to Respiratory failure and ultimately multi system dysfunction. The COVID-19- associated coagulopathy (CAC) are distinct from those seen with bacterial Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy (SIC) and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The CAC usually shows increased D-dimer and fibrinogen levels with minimal abnormalities in Prothrombin time and platelet count.
Coagulation is the main cause to prevent complications in covid19. In pulmonary complications Hypoxia leads to thrombus and in turn Thrombosis leads to hypoxia. The complication of coagulation leads to further damage further to multi organ failure. In coagulation resulting from Covid 19, D-Dimers are of diagnostic value which predicts the severity of Coagulation and assess the prognosis of diseases. Homoeopathic remedies though act well when selected on individualisation basis, in some acute emergency setups, specific remedies need to be given as the need of the hour.
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