
A case of recurrent multiple boils

WriteUps By Dr.Divyaben alabhai jalu

A female patient aged 14 yrs having complaint of recurrent boil and fever since 3 days. I take case carefully and ascertain totality of symptoms mentioned below.
- Multiple small boils over nape of neck, forearm and both legs.
- Boils appears one after another.
- Fever at evening.
- Small white bumps(milia) on forehead.
- Drinks water a little.
- Backache and headache at evening and night.

By considering above symptoms I prescribe Homoeopathic medicine PULSATILLA 200 1 dose followed by SL 4×3×3 days.

By the 3rd day patient feels better. No any episode fever. Improving in boils.

Dr. Divya Alabhai Jalu
PG Scholar
Department of Materia Medica 
Rajkot Homoeopathic medical college 
Parul University

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