WriteUps By jhanvihpadariya51297@gmail.com
Case presentation by:-
Dr. Jhanvi Padariya
PG scholar ,Department of Organon of Medicine
Rajkot Homoeopathic Medical College
Parul University
Case study:-
A 20 years old female, unmarried came with the complaint of acne on forehead which are very small and shiny since last 6 months which are aggravated after oily and spicy food. She also had complaint of irregular menses since 1 year.
Physical generals:-
Appetite:- 4 chapatis/meal
Thirst:- Thirsty ( Thirst for small quantity of water at short interval)
Desire:- Sour(+++), spicy food, cheese, buttermilk
Sleep:- Before sleep, persistent thoughts in mind
Urine:- 6-7/0 D/N
Stool:-1/0 D/N
Thermal state:- Ambithermal
Skin:- oily
Mental state:-
When alone, continuous thoughts in mind.
Desire company, especially of family.
Fear of animals, ghosts, death.
Angry on small matters.
Considering physical particulars, physical generals and mental generals she was prescribed ARSENIC ALB 200 1 dose one a week followed by SAC LAC thrice a day for next 15 days.
Follow up:-
Acne were reduced, thoughts reduced and sleep became sound .