सफलता की कहानी

Management of Anterior wall Myocardial infarction through of Naturopathy and Yoga

Story By Director NIN

Management of Anterior wall Myocardial infarction through of Naturopathy and Yoga

A male patient named Mr Kale Sharad Dattatray aged 66 years visited National institute on
Naturopathy on 27-9-21 with previously diagnosed Anterior wall Myocardial infraction (AWMI)
with breathlessness upon walking for short distance, disturbed sleep patterns.
He was advised to undergo Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) based on his Angiography report
by Cardiologists. He had critical disease in LAD with subtotal occlusion with spontaneous
dissection and faint ante grade flow in distal LAD. Left ventricular ejection fraction was 45%. He
was treated with Blood thinners, statins and anti hypertensive drugs since 10 days after discharge.
But he voluntarily stopped the intake of those medications personally. He also had a history of
vocal cord plasy in 2002 and trachiostomy in 2002.

Upon detail history taking patient had developed disinterest towards intake of medications and
strongly wanted to discontinue it by following Nature cure methods and visited with this reason to
National institute Naturopathy institute.

His Blood pressure and pulse rate were 130/80 mm/hg and 68bpm. His BMI was 29.7 with weight
of 84kg for 164cm of height.

His appetite and thirst was normal, Normal frequency of micturition and bowel movements. But
had disturbed sleep pattern and habit of random consumption of tea intake of 5 to 6 cups.

No abnormality was observed under general physical and systemic examination

His lifestyle activities were compromised due to Covid 19 restrictions since 1 year. He developed
irregular eating habits with high energy dense foods. He was physically inactive and had stopped
his regular walking, swimming since a year and half. His sunlight exposure was less and did not
develop any symptoms of stress.

Upon detail investigation it was found that he was suffering with mild symptoms of life threating
signs of anterior wall myocardial infraction. According to Naturopathy these extreme changes get
aggressive only if our body defensive abilities are reduced in managing extreme physiological
change due to irregularities is food consumption, physical activity, rest or sleep, stress, medicine
intake and sunlight exposure etc . This lowers the vitality-the life force responsible for homeostatic
balance and hinders the elimination of morbid substances which triggers inflammation as a body
self defensive process. In this case the disease crisis was exuberated leading to chronic toxicity.

Initially patient was well informed about the root cause of disease and motivated about the efficacy
of the Naturopathy and Yogic intervention if followed. The activity draining vitality was inhibited
and allowing the body to restore homeostasis to promote healing.

He was kept on eliminative diet with juices like tender coconut water, orange juice, mousambi
juice, carrot juice, watermelon juice between 9am to 7pm every 2 hours for 3 days in a week.
Remaining 4 days he was on soothening diet between 9 am to 7 pm with 2 fruit meals and 1
cooked meal. This cycle was continued for 2 weeks.

Along with this he underwent Naturopathy therapies like hydrotherapy, manipulative therapy, mud
therapy, accupressure, heliotherapy (Sunbath) and Yoga therapy for 2 week.

After 2 weeks of treatment his BMI reduced from 29.7 to 26.63 kg/m2, Blood pressure was 126/84
mm/hg. He was able to walk more than 1 km without breathlessness and his sleep quality was

improved with good pattern. He felt physically active and relived with stress about his present
signs and symptoms. He was able to continue his walking and swimming activities without any
discomforts. The patient was aversive towards laboratory and radiological investigations to observe
the changes.

He was strictly advised to follow Naturopathy diet and fasting, regular exercise habits like walking,
cycling and swimming and yoga therapy and asked to follow up every 15 days.


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