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CCRAS Developed and Commercialized Ayurvedic Drugs

Ayurveda By Ayush


An autonomous body under the Ministry of Ayush, the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), is actively involved in the scientific process of drug development by embracing the latest guidelines such as Good Clinical Practices Guidelines for ASU drugs (GCP-ASU), National ethical guidelines for Bio-Medical Research (ICMR) & the Ministry of Ayush and WHO guidelines for traditional medicines, etc. as needed and as feasible via its peripheral institutes. Council through its drug development program is undertaking the development of new drugs/formulations taking leads from Ayurvedic literature via the systematic process of drug development. viz preclinical safety & clinical study and standardization as per requirement. 

      CCRAS has developed and commercialized the below-mentioned drugs:

  1. Ayush SG An Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis preparation.
  2. Ayush 82 An Anti Diabetic Ayurvedic Formulation

CCRAS has also undertaken the development of the below-mentioned coded formulations that are at different phases of drug development:-

  1. Ayush QOL 2C for improving Quality of Life of Cancer patients
  2. Ayush Manas for Mental retardation/cognitive deficit
  3. Ayush Rasayan A & B in geriatric health
  4. Carctol S for Cancer
  5. Ayush PJ-7 for Dengue fever
  6. Ayush M-3 for Migraine
  7. Ayush D for Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  8. Ayush SL for Filariasis
  9. Ayush K1 for Chronic Kidney Diseases
  10. Ayush A for Bronchial Asthma
  11. Ayush C1 Oil for wound healing
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