
Homoeopathy do act well in the management of acutecases.

WriteUps By Jinalben malani


Homoeopathy is a scientific holistic system of medicine.as per master Hahnemann clinical classification of the disease, diseases may be acute or chronic.homoeopathy act marvelously in acute diseases too.
What is acute disease?
An acute disease is sudden,with sudden action and with sudden cause.some acute diseases are not actual acute one,they can be indisposition,so you have to look the cause and find out the actual cause, either it's indisposition or acute one.
What should be most important in acute case?
1) present
2) persistent
3) predominant
Change in normal physiology is important.

Here, present the Case of  Urinary tract infection.
Mrs. Patel 28yr old female came to me with the complain of Urinary tract infection.
Present complain was
Itching around genitals.
Irritation due to itching.
Burning while passing the urine.touch of cloths cause itching. Frequency of urination increase but in less quantity. dull lower abdominal pain.and metrorrhagia last 7days.

Physical general-
Appetite- normal
Thirst- decreased for 4-5 days.
Sleep- sleep disturb last few days
Dreams- snakes and horrible
Urine- present complain
Stool- constipation
Skin- normal
Menses- regular
Quantity- more
Like to go out side fresh open air

Pt was constantly talking about what she did to treat this UTI and which precaution she is taking since last few days, because once she heard that due to UTI there can be complication and can be cause much infection and it can be damage the uterus and also has that fear what if I have to take this antibiotic for longtime,my body will damaged.

Here , considering the patient as whole with her acute complain, I select the synthesis repertory for rubric selection.
1) mind- fear poisoned being
2)mind -hypochondriasis
4)urine- burning
5) female genitalia/sex- metrorrhagia
6)dreams- snakes
7) rectum -constipation
So given medicine after repertorization was 
Lachesis potency is 1m in water.
Repetition every hour one tea spoon for 2days along with placebo TDS.

In acute repetition is required because inflammatory process in acute are more stronger.

1st follow up after 2days-
Patient says- I got 70% relief after rx.
Give thuja 1m stat dose as a intercurrent remedy and continue lachesis 1m in water for 2days.

2nd follow up after 2days.
There is no itching and burning and felling well.


Case presented by:-

Dr.jinal malani 

 B.H.M.S MD(sch.)

Department of homoeopathic materia Medica

Rajkot homoeopathic medical College

Parul University


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