
Acute management: Homoeopathy

WriteUps By Chavda Savitri Laxmanbhai

Chavda Savitri Laxmanbhai

Department of case taking and Repertory

Rajkot homoeopathic medical College, Rajkot

Parul University


Case study:


A 45 years male having acute  pain and lump sensation in throat on left side with dryness of mouth(+2) Pain while swellowing(+2).<from sweet>warm water

Fever since 3 days with weakness(+1). Activity decreased.

Physical generals:

Appetite:- decreased,1chapati/ meal,pain swellowing while

Thirst:- reduced , 4-5glasses/ day ,Thirstless

Stool: 1/0; D/N regular bowel.

Urine: 5-6 times/day, yellow, slightly offensive.

Desire: warm food(+2),warm drink (+2)

Thermal: chilly(+2)

Totality of symptoms:

·        Chilly(+2)

·        Pain in throat left side better by warm food and drink.

·        Pain while swellowing<sweet

·        Activity decreased and weakness.

·        Urine offensive



ARSENIC ALBUM 200 single dose given.

Follow up:


60% better in pain and no pain while swellowing. No weakness and normal activity.


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