
Visit of Honorable Cabinet Minister Sri Sarbananda Sonowal Ji at NIH Kolkata on 24/02/2022

WriteUps By Dr.Raja Manoharan

The Honorable cabinet Minister Sri Sarbananda Sonowal Ji along with Mr.D.Senthil Pandiyan Joint Secretary, Dr.Subhash Kaushik, D.G.CCRH and Senior officials of the Ministry of Ayush has visited NIH Kolkata on 24.02.2022.

Honorable Minister said that-

"It was great to interact with the faculty and students of the National Institute of Homoeopathy (NIH) in Kolkata this evening. The institute plays an essential role in offering holistic treatment to patients. I believe  NIH will increase its ambit to serve society further.

We are taking various steps to develop NIH and the student community. A well-equipped auditorium will be built, and the issue of stipend enhancement will be looked at.

A Satellite Centre of NIH at Narela in New Delhi will also be operational soon."

Thank you Sir for your kind words.

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