
Local CNE Workshop, Child Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing DR. H . Gordon Roberts Hospital

WriteUps By Director NEIAH

One-day Local CNE Workshop organized by Child Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing DR. H. Gordon Roberts Hospital, Shillong on the 26th May 2022.


A CNE or Continuing Nursing Education is a systematic professional learning experiences obtained after initial licensure designed to augment the knowledge, skills and judgement of nurses and enrich nurses’ contributions to quality health care and his or her pursuit of professional career goals.


Ms.Phibanri Suklin Dkhar and Ms. Balakyntiew Chyne , Nursing Officers ,NEIAH were granted leave of absence on duty for one day i.e. the 26th May 2022 to attend this local CNE workshop on the theme “Early Neonate: Core Indicator of Survival” held at the Multipurpose Hall, College of Nursing, DR.H.Gordan Roberts Hospital.

  • Registration was from 8am to 8:30 am.
  • Inauguration started from 9am to 9:30 am, where the welcome address was delivered  and speech on the theme by the Chief Guest – Dr.R.Nongrum, Medical Superintendent, Dr.H.Gordan Roberts Hospital  where he stressed the importance of assessment of various neonatal indicators and its cruciality. The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. I.L.Sawkmie,Vice Principal,College of Nursing.
  • There was a short tea break from 9:30am to 10am.
  • 10am-11am The first topic ‘Overview of General problems in newborn’ was delivered by Ms.Daily Happy Langba ,Principal, School of Nursing, Nongstoin. She covered a wide variety of newborn conditions such as Caput Succedanum ,cephalhematoma,evening colic,napkin rash,cradle cap to name a few.
  • 11am-12:20pm The second topic ‘Assessment of maturity-Ballard score’ delivered by Dr.K.Rapthap,Child Health Consultant., on Ballard score developed by Dr Jeane Ballard in 1979 as a tool for estimation of  gestational age and maturity  by using two main components to do so i.e. Neuromuscular maturity  which checks for 5 signs i.e. ,posture,square window,arm recoil,popliteal angle,scarf sign and heel to ear and the second component Physical maturity which assesses the skin,lanugo,plantar surface,breast,eye/ear, and genitals(male/female), both these components have scores wherein a score is assigned to each and every sub-component and then checked against the maturity rating given on the chart itself to determine the gestational age of neonate. Three cases were presented to the participants in visual form where we had to calculate gestational age using the Ballard score and interpret the findings.
  • 12:30pm-1pm The third topic ‘Haemodynamic Monitoring in Neonates’ was given by Dr.Sodality Sutnga, Child Health Consultant., where she discussed extensively on Haemodynamic instability and the various parameters to watch for in such cases such as cardiac output,stroke volume,heart rate,contractility, and mean arterial blood  pressure and the different ways of treating the causes.
  • 1pm-1:30pm Lunch
  • 1:50pm-2:50pm The fourth topic ‘Common infections in newborn and management’ was delivered by Ms.A.Thadoi Chanu,Nursing Superintendent,NEIAH. She presented extensively on the various infections riddling neonates during antenatal,intranatal and postnatal period. The signs to look for in newborn infections and diseases such as neonatal sepsis,neonatal conjunctivitis,umbilical sepsis,oral thrush,pyoderma,meningitis, listeriosis,rubella,               Hep B,herpes simlex and neonatal hospital acquired infections alongwith the treatments and nursing management.
  • 3pm-3:30pm The last session was on ‘Early identification and detection of Congenital abnormalities’ which was presented by Dr.K R.L..Nongpiur,Pediatric Surgery Consultant. He gave a deion on the difference between congenital anomaly and congenital malformation and the utmost importance on Head-to-toe physical assessment of any newborn in order to be able to detect and identify any abnormality so early intervention can be delivered.
  • 3:30pm-3:40pm Tea break
  • 3:45pm-4:10pm Projection of the Post-test results revealed that post session the percentage of knowledge was higher than Pre-test result .
  • Valedictory session followed where the vote of thanks was delivered by Ms.Gracefullness Kharrngi and the benediction pronounced by Ms.I.L.Sawkmie.
  • Certificates were distributed at the end.



In conclusion it was found that attending this workshop was beneficial as it added and enhanced the body of knowledge as well as critical thinking skills of the participants. It was an invigorating experience that challenged even the most seemingly mundane tasks such as a physical examination of a neonate where one can inspect ,observe and detect many changes in a newborn baby.

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